Thursday, April 14, 2016

Igneous Rock Identification

Igneous Rock Lab
To Start:

1.   Carefully place the items in the bag on your desk.

2.   Make sure you have your spiral and a pencil.

3.   Read about colorful minerals here:

4.   Look at the rocks! What are their names? Copy page 2 and use the computer to identify the 15 rocks in this kit.

5.   Write in your journal: What is an igneous rock?

6.   Glue paper into journal.

Igneous Rock Lab

1.  ______________________                     Gabbro
2.  ______________________                     Granite
3.  ______________________                      Pegmatite
4.  ______________________                     Anorthosite
5.  ______________________                     Syenite
6.  ______________________                    Trachtype Porphyry
7.  ______________________                     Ryolite Porphyry
8.  ______________________                     Tuff
9.  ______________________                     Basalt
10.               __________________                      Ryolite
11.               __________________                     Andesite
12.               __________________                     Pumice
13.               __________________                      Obsidian
14.               __________________                      Scoria
15.               __________________                     Pitchstone

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