Thursday, April 14, 2016

Morse Code

Morse Code Lab
To Start:

1.  Carefully place the items in the bag on your desk.
2.  Make sure you have your spiral and a pencil.
3.    Make the telegraph device:
a. Connect the wires to the bulb holder, battery holder, and contact key. See picture in bag.
b. Place D cell battery in the battery holder.
c. Screw the small light bulb into the bulb holder.
Read This:
Samuel Morse:
Samuel Finley Breese Morse (1791-1872) was an American inventor and painter. After a successful career painting in oils (first painting historical scenes and then portraits), Morse built the first American telegraph around 1835 (the telegraph was also being developed independently in Europe).
A telegraph sends electrical signals over a long distance, through wires. In 1830, Joseph Henry (1797-1878) made the first long-distance telegraphic device - he sent an electric current for over a mile on wire that activated an electromagnet, causing a bell to ring.
Morse patented a working telegraph machine in 1837, with help from his business partners Leonard Gale and Alfred Vail. Morse used a dots-and-spaces code for the letters of the alphabet and the numbers (Morse Code was later improved to use dots, dashes and spaces: for example E is dot, T is dash, A is dot-dash, N is dash-dot, O is dash-dash-dash, I is dot-dot, S is dot-dot-dot, etc.). By 1838, Morse could send 10 words per minute. Congress provided funds for building a telegraph line between Washington D.C. and Baltimore, Maryland, in 1843. Morse sent the first telegraphic message (from Washington D.C. to Baltimore) on May 24, 1844; the message was: "What hath God wrought?" The telegraph revolutionized long-distance communications.

4. Go to this site and learn about Morse code:

Be sure to read the fun facts!

5. Have fun making your own message with the telegraph device!

1. Write your name and date in top right corner.
2. Write the title centered on the top line.
3. Write your name in dots and dashes (MORSE Code)
4.  Write a secret message in MORSE code!         

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