Monday, March 28, 2016

Foam Gliders

Foam Gliders Lab
To Start:

1. Carefully place the items in the bag on your desk.
2. Make sure you have your spiral and a pencil.
3. Make each plane according to the directions in the book. Do it carefully – remember they are made out of Styrofoam! Don’t forget a nose cone!

4. Read about gliders from NASA:

5.   Set up the landing pad and launch each glider.

6.   Which went the farthest? Which flew the best?

7.   Draw a picture of your favorite plane.

8.   Write about why you like this one the best.

1. Write your name and date in top right corner.
2. Write the title centered on the top line.
3. Write an observation about the different kinds of gliders.

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