Monday, February 22, 2016

Bulb and Battery

Bulb and Battery: Simple Circuit


  1. Gather your spiral, pencil, and lab supplies.
  2. Write your name and date in the top right corner.
  3. Write the title on the top line, centered.
  4. Take the materials out of the bag.
  5. Explore. Find a way to make the bulb light up.
  6. Take a picture of work once you can get the bulb to light up.
  7. How does the bulb turn on? Why is it turning on?
  8. Review the diagram 
  9. Watch the video to understand how a battery works.
  10. Watch the video to to see how a bulb works.
  11. Draw a diagram of the circuit in your spiral.
  12. The post that drawing, or post your picture of your circuit and label the parts on SeeSaw.
  13. Explain how the the circuit actually works using the knowledge gained from the videos and the diagrams. Record your voice in SeeSaw with your diagram you post or write in with the diagram.
  14. What else do you want to learn about bulbs and batteries? Look it up and tell us!

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