Friday, February 5, 2016

The Digestive System Lab

The Digestive System Lab

To Start:

1            Carefully place the items in the bag on your desk.
2            Make sure you have your spiral and a pencil.

1. Write your name and date in top right corner.
2. Write the title centered on the top line.
3. Study the diagram.
5. Draw and label the parts of the body used in swallowing.
6. Where does digestion start?
7. What structure allows food to pass through the esophagus instead of the trachea, or windpipe?
8. What are the three functions of the stomach?
9. Which three organs help the small intestines extract nutrients?
10. The gallbladder serves as a warehouse for what substance?
11. The pancreas aids in the digestion of what nutrients?
12. What filters out harmful substances or wastes?
13. What is the appendix used for? (Trick question!)
14. What is the last stop in the digestive tract?

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