Friday, February 5, 2016

The Respiratory System Lab

The Respiratory System Lab

To Start:

1            Carefully place the items in the bag on your desk.
2            Make sure you have your spiral and a pencil.

1. Write your name and date in top right corner.
2. Write the title centered on the top line.
3. Study the diagram.
4. Go to and read about the respiratory system.
5. Go to to read about tooth types.
6. Draw a diagram of the mouth and teeth.
7. What is the main function of the respiratory system?
8. What helps your lungs expand and contract so you can inhale and exhale?
9. What are the four kinds of teeth?
10. What is the pathway of air into your body?
11. What gas do you exhale?
12. What are your incisors used for?

13. On average, how many times does a person breathe in and out in one minute?

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