Friday, April 24, 2015

Life Cycles Lab

Life Cycles Lab

To Start:


  1. Take the Life Cycles Stamps out of the box and place it on the desk.
  2. Gather a stamp pad.
  3. Make sure you have your spiral and a pencil.


  1. Write your name and date in top right corner.
  2. Write the title centered on the top line.
  3. Look at the stamps.
  4. Use this picture to help you with the frog life cycle.
  5. Stamp out the life cycle of a frog in your spiral.
  6. Label the stages. 
  7. Then, use this picture to help you with the butterfly life cycle.
  8. Stamp out the life cycle of the butterfly.
  9. Label the stages.
  10. Explain what is similar between the two life cycles.
  11. Explain what is different.
  12. Does one life cycle appear to be more complex than the other? Explain your view point.
  13. If you could choose between being a frog for a day or a butterfly, what would you select and why (give reasons with science reasons).

Refrain from using the words IT, THEY, GOES, VERY, STUFF, etc.  Each answer should have at least two detailed sentences. 

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