Friday, April 24, 2015

LEGO CrazyAction Contraptions Lab

(FYI:  ALL pieces are in the bag as of 4/24/15. A high school volunteer made sure of this. It is your responsibility to make sure ALL pieces are returned to this kit or this kit is useless. You are to let Mrs. Robinson know you are working on this lab, and then when you finish.)

LEGO CrazyAction Contraptions Lab

To Start:


  1. Take the LEGO book out of the bag. Place it on your desk. 
  2. Make sure you have your spiral and a pencil.


  1. Write your name and date in top right corner.
  2. Write the title centered on the top line.
  3. There are 16 projects to make in this lab. You are to write the name of the project you are making. Create it. Draw a picture of it. Label the parts. The explain how it works.
  4. Draw what you see. 
  5. Name the simple machines in your device: wedge, pulley, inclined plane, screw, lever
  6. Repeat steps 3-5 for EACH contraption you make. 

Refrain from using the words IT, THEY, GOES, VERY, STUFF, etc.  Each answer should have at least two detailed sentences. 

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