Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Insect Nests Lab

Insect Nests Lab

To Start:


  1. Place the insect nest collection on your desk.
  2. Make sure you have your spiral and a pencil.

  1. Write your name and date in top right corner.
  2. Write the title centered on the top line.
  3. Draw a diagram of one of the insect's nests.
  4. Label the parts. 
  5. Try to identify the type of insect who may have made this nest using these sites:
Repeat the directions for several nests - if you can find different examples in the container.


Directions:  Now, respond to these prompts IN DEPTH. Please use details. Refrain from using the words IT, THEY, GOES, VERY, STUFF, etc.  Each answer should have at least two detailed sentences. 

  1. How are the nests similar?
  2. How are the nests different?
  3. Which nest would you want to live in if you were a bird. Explain your reasoning.
  4. How damaging can mud dauber nests be? (Read the Wiki link above.)

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