Friday, February 13, 2015

Compass Activities

Compass Activities Lab

To Start:


  1. Take the compass, magnets and other items and place them on the desk.
  2. Make sure you have your spiral and a pencil.

  1. Write your name and date in top right corner.
  2. Write the title centered on the top line.
  3. Draw a diagram of the compass.
  4. Label the parts (needle, North, South, East, West). 
  5. Skip a few lines, then write "Observations".
  6. Move the magnet around the compass.
  7. What happened?
  8. Write down your observations, any notes you want to take.
  9. Explore with the compass and other items in the bag.. Is there another you way you make it show the same response?
  10. Skip a few lines, then write "Reflections".

Directions:  Now, respond to these prompts IN DEPTH. Please use details. Refrain from using the words IT, THEY, GOES, VERY, STUFF, etc.  Each answer should have at least two detailed sentences. 

  1. What happened in each 'experiment' ?
  2. Why is this happening? (to find out, go to:
  3. What kind of experiment could you create using the compass? Write down your ideas.

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